Gem Ferret Care Group



History of Gem Ferret Care Group


Rescue Rehoming and Boarding

Membership Form


Judged Shows


Ferret Friendly Vets

Why Ferrets

General Ferret Information

Lost and Found

Ferret Photos

Ferretjane's ferret pics

Morticia's Babies




We are now on facebook - Gem Ferret - make us one of your friends

We need foster homes and home checkers for rescue ferrets -

If you can help contact Jane or Patsy


Show News 

Hope to see some of you at the PR shows in the summer.


Where to for next year? Hopefully we can continue with the positive PR for ferrets and the links with new and existing ferret owners, putting on good quality displays with well looked after ferrets and happy owners.


Check our Events page for the details of the shows we will be attending.

Come along and support us and meet our ferrets.

If you have found us by mistake - come along and handle a ferret if you haven't before.


PR Shows

There is never enough time to fit everything in and that is very true when it comes to PR shows. What a whirlwind season it has been with more than a few memorable mad weather days and beer tent nights.


One of our stands last summer.

 Thanks to everyone who supported the PR shows.

We will all try not to throttle the general public when we hear for the 100th time ‘don’t touch they bite,’ ‘ oh they smell,’ etc. Some people will never change their opinion but thankfully the majority will and the children have the opportunity to decide for themselves.        












Email the webmaster